Red hair always stands out and looks cool. What about something like this?

The side parting, side-swept or side fringe
Tagged: red hair, fringe, full fringe, bangs, motorhead, mirror, .
Red hair was cut into long layers with a feathered fringe and blow-dried
knitted in a unique way that looks and feels like human hair. Beautiful
bouncy curls with side swept bangs or super straight with full fringe?
Celebrity Side Swept Bangs Hair Styles Side-swept fringes are great ways to
Hair Cutting Waves Photo of 2005 red waves hairstyle.
Stylewise i do like your hair long but i def think a softer side fring would
long hairstyles with side fringe
Blond hair ranges from nearly white (platinum blond, tow-haired)
Sure, they match husband Pete Wentz's carefully straightened fringe,

I'm thinking a bob with a full fringe but i'm not sure but i'm also thinking
Attempted a full fringe & really red!
Tags: 2009 hairstyle, fringe, Hair style & Beauty, hair styles, hair trends,
Have long, side-swept bangs, but have always wanted full and playful
Com, Red Fringe Studded Bag From 543640_ooooo
S: "Lady Gaga's fringe is very full with a blunt edge.
red-hair_full.jpg (38.85 KB, 400x375 ) * Singer_Eve_.jpg (50.57 KB,
Sept 7 2006 - The fringe goes fair. cheryl cole hairstyles,cheryl cole hair